Membership of the Well Society has now passed the 3600-mark, with newcomers signing up from afar afield as Nashville, Tennessee.
American radio host Chris Chilvers has been watching the Well and couldn’t wait to become part of the club’s story. He said: “I’ve been taking in the games via the Paramount Streaming services that made the games available over the pond. I just fell in love with Motherwell.”
Chris is one of 20 members living in the US. He’s looking forward to receiving his welcome pack and hanging his Well Society certificate up in the radio booth. He’ll help get the message across the airwaves to his listeners too, boosting the overseas contingent of members.
Sisters Anna and Thea were our newest Junior Steel members to join up. They love MFC, enjoy the games and want a shot at being match day mascots, a chance all Junior Steel members have through our regular draw.
As well as receiving a welcome pack and other benefits, Society members have the opportunity to help shape the club and get involved.
Tom Feely, co-chair of the Society, said: “I’m delighted to reach this number, now we set the next target of another 100 members by the end of the year. Collectively we can do so much more. Thank you to everyone who continues to contribute and welcome to all the new members on board.”
Find out more about membership by contacting the Well Society.
Join here.
More information of Junior Steel membership is here.