Supporters Advisory Committee member Stephen Cameron gives an update as to the latest developments.
He said, “You may recall some time ago our Chief Executive proposed the setting up a supporters committee. Leeann posted an open invitation via the Matchday Programme and forum websites asking for volunteers to step forward to help form the aforementioned committee.
[onlymembers]“The club was keen to ensure that the very people who matter most, the supporters, did not become disconnected and disenfranchised going forward.
“From these Leeann received responses from interested fans who have now met with her on several occasions to discuss how the committee should be formed and how it would benefit the club.
“The main thing about the newly formed committee is we are supporters just like you, however through the committee we hold a unique position in the structure of the club by having full access to the board. The twelve members sit in all three home stands, vary in age and cover both genders. We all regularly use the same facilities and experience the same levels of service.
“We feel that with Leeann, board members and the club staff we can help bring everyone together, re-invigorate and enhance the experience not only on the park but off it as well. We can work with the club to bring on board what we, the fans would like to see happen at our club.
“Now that we are all in place we want to formalise our aims by canvassing supporters. There is no point in us discussing and deciding areas and ideas we would like to tackle or put to the club without first asking for your opinion. So with this in mind, we will be talking to you soon online, on matchdays and at organised meetings to get your views.
“We won’t always get things right and while we may not always have the answer or on occasion be as effective as you may hope, please bear in mind that we are the first football club in Scotland to launch such an initiative and with a united effort , in time, we can be more effective and influential.
“We are sure most fans accept there will be many aspects of Scottish Football where the power to change lies with other bodies and organisations. We can however influence many issues where responsibility rests directly with MFC. We would welcome any communication from our peers so please use the following contact methods to let us know what you think the priorities are, and any ideas you might have:
Steelmen Online Forum: MFC Supporters Advisory
FirParkCorner Forum: Supporters_Advisory
“ Or, if you prefer, write to us at Fir Park. We will reply within 48 hours and, where possible, give a solution to any issues within 5 days.
“We want to know your big picture gripes and ideas, views on reconstruction, safe standing, television and the like. In response the club have promised to be transparent on their position and policies in whatever we identify and where possible and appropriate, use their influence to push forward change.
“Importantly though we also want to work in areas where the club have the ability to make the changes we desire. Stewarding, ticket allocations, pricing, initiatives, club policies, facilities, match day to name but a few. The list is really up to you to help us identify. These are really the most exciting opportunities for you the supporters and where we can most likely see some quick wins.
1. As far as our first “win” is concerned we have brought to the attention of Leeann that the way half season tickets were sold, with the first 9 vouchers torn out. This would have meant that these books would not have been valid for the Kilmarnock game were voucher number 9 to be used. With this in mind, Leeann agreed fully that everyone should be able to get into that match, irrespective of when you bought your season ticket. The club will use “special voucher K” for the match on Wednesday meaning all season ticket holders can get in. Because of the cancellation, a bonus game for those who bought a half ticket.
2. The committee has also taken over the running of the official MFC eBay site and we have some great ideas and items for you to bid on through the season.
“Our committee members are all volunteers and have only your and the best interests of the club at heart. We are not here to replace any of the other supporters groups. Hopefully we can work with everyone to bring an exciting and bright future for Motherwell Football Club.”
Mission Statement
The aim of the Supporters Advisory Committee is to enhance the experiences of all who choose to associate with Motherwell Football Club. We will advance frequent, clearer communication due to our unique position between board and fans, endeavour to improve the matchday experience and further increase club revenues through innovative means.[/onlymembers]