Supporters clubs
Motherwell Football Club have a number of independent supporters clubs, who provide services for fans to get to home and away matches, and organise social functions.
To join any of the clubs, or for more information, please use the contact details provided.
The Central branch was established in 1946, playing a leading role in the formation of the Supporters Association, in which they still actively participate.
Membership costs £15 for adults and £10 for under 16s, which allows fans subsidised travel to away games.
It also entitles the holder to additional benefits such as guaranteed briefs for all-ticket matches and an invitation to the annual player of the year dance.
For more information or to join the Central branch, please contact Jim Frame on 01698 299650 or email christopher_hutton@btinternet.com.
East of Scotland
The East of Scotland branch was formed in 1994 and caters for anyone in the east, They “care share” to both home and away matches and also hold an end of season function which is attended by senior club officials.
Membership costs £10 for adults and is free for under 16s, which entitles members to subsidised travel to cup finals.
A monthly newsletter is produced and circulated to the members, who can enjoy other social events such as monthly meetings, Christmas and pre-season dinners.
For more information, please contact any of the following:
Chairperson | Sheila McLuckie | facebook.com/eosmfc |
Vice Chair | Dave Marshall | facebook.com/eosmfc |
Secretary | Colin MacNair | facebook.com/eosmfc |
Treasurer | Murray Bowman | facebook.com/eosmfc |
Social Convenor | Jack Hamilton | facebook.com/eosmfc |
Club Liaison | Scott Hughes | facebook.com/eosmfc |
Fife & Tayside
The Fife and Tayside Branch was formed in 2010 by a group of friends. Most members live in mid/north Fife and the Dundee area.
Membership costs £10 for adults and £5 for senior citizens and under 16s. Transport to games is by car sharing, and social events and regular meetings are held. New members always welcome.
For more information, contact Phil Hart on 0774 356 2168 or fatmsc@googlemail.com.
East Kilbride
The East Kilbride branch is unique in that they are the only group running buses to home games in order to accommodate disabled and young supporters.
Membership costs £15 for adults and £10.00 for under 16s, with fans of all ages encouraged to join.
As well as providing transport to home games, they also run buses to away fixtures depending upon demand.
For more information please contact Brian Crawford on 01355 237367.
The Gaidhealtachd Dossers travel by train, and occasionally car share, to get down to games.
To join, contact Allan Silver on allansilver2@gmail.com or 07478712064, Ewan Aitchison on aitchie2291@msn.com or 07784868090, or Matthew Templeton on matthewjtempleton@gmail.com or 07982643127.