Motherwell Football Club (The Club) is committed to ensuring that supporters and customers with accessibility needs have as full access as is reasonably possible to, to all goods, services and facilities provided or offered to the public by the club. The club recognises its responsibilities in the context of the Equality Act 2010.
The Club recognises it must also consider the needs of visiting supporters with accessibility needs as well as its’ own and will liaise with the opposing clubs, highlighting the facilities that are available and making the tickets directly available to the visiting clubs. This will either be directly or via respective supporters’ associations if in operation.
In all areas where Accessible Needs Supporters are present, the Club will provide Stewards to assist them, where they have no personal assistant, to ensure that they can access the Stadium and its’ facilities without difficulty.
The Club will ensure that all staff are aware of the club policy and are trained appropriately in the provision of the Act.
The Club will treat any complaint against its employees as a serious matter and if found to be in breach of the Act the employee will be dealt with under the Club’s Disciplinary Procedures.
The Club’s existing Equality Policy acknowledges that Motherwell Football Club is responsible for setting standards and values to apply throughout The Club.
The Club’s commitment is, therefore, to confront and eliminate discrimination whether by reason of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.
In respect of accessible facilities at Fir Park Stadium, the club offers accommodation as far as is reasonably practical, for all persons with accessible needs.
The club has worked with the accessible needs supporters to create the Motherwell F.C. Disabled Supporters Association (DSA).
The DSA identify areas that they see as a benefit to the general disabled supporters and the finance is in place.
The club’s Safety Officer is Robert Park. The club DSLO is Heather Horner.
Guidelines for an Accessible Stadium.
The areas of the stadium allocated to the accessible needs’ supporters are clearly identified and have easy access.
A large designated accessible car park is located in the nearby Fir Park School car park. Accessible parking for visiting supporters is arranged by contacting the DSA via email disabledfans@motherwellfc.co.uk.
Disabled Viewing Areas
A variety of locations are offered in Fir Park Stadium. There is a dedicated covered shelter area at the south end of the Phil O’ Donnell Stand for use by home support.
There is an area at the front of the north end of the Phil O’ Donnell Stand. There is a designated covered shelter area to the west end of the Tommy McLean Stand for use by the away support.
Assistance Dogs
It is the club’s policy that guide dogs will be permitted within the stadium. Where guide dogs are required seating will be offered giving the person adequate space for both the disabled person and the guide dog. The open space at the front of the seating decks provide good space and two spaces will be set aside to ensure that adequate space is provided similar to that offered to wheelchair users.
Disability Awareness Training
As part of the club’s desire to constantly improve customer service, the club is committed to staff training on disability awareness. In addition to this, the club employs the services of a stewarding contractor who shares the same views on customer service as the club does and likewise provides training to its staff.
Where there is a change in level or where accessible needs supporters are to be given access to raised areas ramps are provided.
Steps and Stairs
All steps and stairs are to be kept clean and in good order. Lighting levels within the stadium are above that required by the British standards, even in emergency situations where mains power has been lost.
There is a dedicated accessible needs steward allocated to the accessible needs areas on a match day to assist the supporters with access to the catering areas in the Phil O’ Donnell (Main) Stand.
As Fir Park Stadium is an older generation stadium, dropped counters are not installed due to security issues that have arisen at other Stadiums and the difficulty in ensuring a fire seal on the shutters, as the kiosks are located in concourse areas that are on escape routes in the event of evacuation. Due to these difficulties a steward is available in all sections to go to the kiosk for those supporters attending without a personal assistant.
Fully equipped toilets are provided in all sections of the stadium where disabled supporters occupy. The number of toilets provided exceeds the building control requirements. Tactile embossed pictograms would normally be installed however following discussion with the disability working group it was felt that these where not required as supporters attending are accompanied by helpers or use the club’s own accessibility stewards or stadium stewards when getting about due to the crowd.
A new toilet block is currently under construction and when complete will provide an additional 7 fully equipped and modern accessible toilets.
The club operates a data base of seasonal and regular ad-hoc accessible needs supporters. The club has formed the DSA who control the allocation of season tickets and match day tickets for all disabled/ambulant supporters. The club, prior to large attendance matches such as semi-finals and finals contact DSA members with ticket arrangements.
The club operate a concessionary ticketing policy for accessible needs supporters and will ensure that the scheme does not discriminate between individuals with differing impairments..
Accessible Needs Supporters Hotline: 07428 225 254 or tickets@mfcdsa.com. Fans who require wheelchair access should contact Brian Davidson or email brian@dsa.com
Means of Escape
The designated accessible needs stewards operation within the designated areas will assist and direct supporters should an emergency arise within the stadium.
An electronic scoreboard has been installed which can be used to provide safety messages to those with hearing impairments.
Last reviewed – January 2019