Players and staff from Motherwell Football Club’s youth academy, together with the North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee, are working together to raise awareness about what we can all do to help keep North Lanarkshire’s children and young people safe.
We can all play our part by helping to make our communities safe, nurturing places for all children to grow up in.
Listening to what children say to us and taking any worries they have seriously helps children feel valued, respected and encourages them to speak up if they don’t feel safe.
The club is delighted to announce an extension to the long-established partnership which sees the youth academy continue to back the child protection message by displaying the Child Protection Committee logo on their tops throughout the season.
The club also displays prominent child protection messages around Fir Park, as well as information on how to report concerns. Motherwell will also promote important child protection messages through their social media and digital channels.
“We are delighted to continue our partnership between our academy and the Child Protection Committee,” Suzanne Reid, Head of Commercial & Marketing at Motherwell FC, said.
“The particular focus this year will be on keeping children safe online, especially on social media.
“Our academy players and coaches will work to spread the message of internet safety across our local area.”
For more information, go online.
Childline – 0800 1111 (free 24 hour service),
Parentline – 08000 28 22 33 (free to call 9am-9pm Mon – Fri and 9am-12pm Sat – Sun)
CELCIS Protecting Children–
Think u Know – an education programme for children, young people parents and workers –