Join the club

Join the club

Be part of football as it should be.

Sign up for free to become a member and receive email updates, special offers and be a part of something.

Want to take your support up a level?

Motherwell Football Club is owned entirely by its supporters.

Pay a monthly subscription fee – or make a one-off donation – to become one of our Pledgers and join the thousands who put in to help the club thrive.

UK pledges
Non-UK pledges

£5 per month

£10 per month

£15 per month

£20 per month

£25 per month

£30 per month

£50 per month

£60 per month

£80 per month

£100 per month

£200 per month

£500 per month

If you do not wish to use the Go Cardless system or PayPal, please email your details to


To achieve our goal of community ownership, the monthly direct debits are our most important source of funding.

However, top-ups/one-off donations are also most welcome. Should you wish to contribute in this way, please click on the appropriate button and follow the process from there.

Top-up £25

Top-up £50

Top-up £150

Top-up £200

Top-up £500

Top-up £1000

Top-up £1500

Top-up £2000

Top-up £3000

Top-up £5000


Take out a Junior Steel membership for £25 and get goodies including club scarf, membership certificate and personalised birthday and Christmas cards, plus an exclusive chance to be mascot at Fir Park.

£25 membership

£20 renewal

£2 per month