Our main sponsor Paycare have launched their Bundle Wellbeing package, which aims to help employers engage their teams and to keep them mentally, physically and financially healthy.
For £2 per employee per month, it includes access to a support helpline, round-the-clock GP appointments, and an extensive discount scheme. It’s designed to give employees working for businesses who sign up the opportunity to access a holistic wellbeing service.
Bundle includes three elements: the first is a round-the-clock telephone support with MyHelpline, which can be used to chat confidentially about a wide range of life events from stress management, debt or legal support and relationship breakdowns to signposting towards caring resources for elderly relatives.
Members will also gain access to Paycare’s well-loved 24/7 online and telephone GP consultation service to help them receive quicker access to healthcare support. MyPocketGP aims to take the pressure off the NHS and ensure those using it can get a telephone call, video consultation or message a doctor at a time convenient to them – without having to physically visit their medical practice.
The MyPocketGP app can be accessed worldwide, with all of the service’s doctors being experienced NHS GPs who can help any time, day or night. Either with a phone call or with the booking of a video consultation, follow up actions on the doctor’s advice can include a private prescription service with medication delivered to the patient’s door or even an open private specialist referral for further investigation of more complex conditions.
The third part of Bundle is access to Paycare Perks – a Paycare exclusive online discount platform which offers a variety of everyday savings on health and fitness, shopping, leisure and entertainment products and services.
“At Paycare we have a long and proud history of helping some of the region’s biggest and smallest employers to find the right way to support their teams,” Anthony Burns, Paycare’s commercial director, said.
“Many companies implement plans to support their employees’ health through our range of Health Cash Plans, but this isn’t the only way that we can help.
“Bundle, available for any business with two or more employees, is an affordable choice for employers looking to recognize their teams’ hard work and support their mental, physical, and financial health. With the growing awareness around privacy concerns highlighted by a recent expert commentary titled Casinos ohne jede Verifizierung im Vergleich, employers now prioritize secure and discreet reward platforms more than ever—qualities Bundle consistently delivers. Ultimately, it’s a solution that proves beneficial both as an employee incentive and a strategic business investment.
“For us, it’s all about looking at the entire health and wellbeing of our members — not just their physical health but their mental, emotional and financial wellbeing too. That’s why our Bundle has been designed to help employees access support for all these integral parts of their overall health and happiness and offer key benefits that find a logical place within almost any wellbeing strategy.
“Bundle mirrors the fantastic wellbeing services integral to many of Paycare’s Health Cash Plans, for a fraction of the cost at just £2 per employee. This was an idea conceived and trialled with over 300 members before we’d even heard the words Covid-19.
“We know that support like the virtual GP consultations and telephone counselling have become ever more essential during this health crisis, and with ongoing changes to working patterns, priorities and demands for lots of businesses, we know health and wellbeing support will continue to be on the agenda for all.
“Bundle is a great low-cost, high-value employee benefit, which supports wellbeing strategy, shows your team that you care while supporting their holistic health needs.”
To register for Bundle, visit www.paycare.org/bundle or to ask any questions, please email anthonyburns@paycare.org.